Learn Coppersmithing Basics From John


John teaches classes periodically at the John C Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina.  In 2024 the will be teaching a class on making copper clocks and desk accessories in April, and a class on creating copper shaker boxes in November.  Other basic and advanced coppersmithing classes are taught by others at the Folk School on a periodic basis.  So enroll in John’s classes, or to see what else is available, go to http://folkschool.org on the Web.

John also hosts individuals or very small groups at his shop in Caldwell, Ohio for project based one-on-one training in the basics of Coppersmithing.   If you are interested, please use the contact form on this web site.

 John will get back in touch with you to see what your needs may be and determine if a class can be scheduled.